Prosperity Names
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Business Name Idea Review
Please note, this is a sample page only with the sample calculator appearing below.
The purpose of this page is to show you how our "Business Name Idea Review" tool works.
You are not able to enter or change the names already entered.
When you order our "Business Name Tools" you will have complete access to a fully functioning "Business Name Idea Review" tool.
Our "Business Name Idea Review" tool is like a calculator but instead of adding numbers, it adds the vowels and consonants in your business name idea.
The mathematical value of your business name is then instantly calculated based on the science of Yantra Yoga. There are only a handful of mathematical values that are ideal for success in business and if your business name idea equals one of the successfull mathematical values, then our calculator will tell you.
- Order our "Business Name Tools" today!
Sample Calculator:
This page allows you to review up to 10 business name each time. Since this is a sample page only, 10 business names have already been entered.
General Instructions:
Any business name has the potential for success. However, there are some numerological vibrations that are more suitable for success in business. The beauty of this service is that we can tell you whether or not your business name ideas have a vibration that is suitable for success or if they do not.
Please read the following instructions so you can effectively and accurately use this service.
- Each business name can contain a maximum of 10 words.
- If you are creating a domain name do not add .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, etc to the name.
- You can only use English characters and numbers in the name such as, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z.
- Numbers are allowed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. You can use numbers individually or in combination. Examples: A1 Gardening, 1000 Great Stories, 99 Red Balloons.
- You can type in UPPPER CASE, lower case or a combination of both.
- Special characters such as &, @ and other characters are allowed.
- If you use an illegal character you will be informed.
- You will be told if the name is good, bad or close to being perfect.
- For your convenience, you can add a name to your list of favorites. Please note, the list of favorites is not stored and is only temporary. Therefore, you are encouraged to copy and paste your favorite names into a file that is saved on your hard drive.
If you are planning on being a sole proprietor or in a partnership then the following is of no concern. The following is only for those who will be incorporating their business.
- It is strongly suggested that if you are planning to incorporate your business that you incorporate as an LLC or LTD company. Both LLC and LTD have a neutral affect on the vibration of a business name.
- Inc, Corp, and LMTD can radically affect and alter your business name depending on how you promote your business and thus are not suggested.
- Ultimately your business will be known not by the name you enter on the legal documents but by the name you use in advertising, letterhead, business cards, etc. Thus if you register as an Inc, Corp or LMTD then it is not the end of the world. However, be warned that using Inc, Corp or LMTD does create potential conflicts and thus using LLC or LTD is highly suggested. As an example, Parrots R Us will have a different numerological vibration when compared to Parrots R Us Inc. Yet Parrots R Us and Parrots R Us LLC will have the same vibration always.
- When in doubt, enter the name of your business plus LLC, LTD, Inc, Corp, or LMTD into our calculator also. You will then know if your business name idea has a successful vibration with and without these legal designations.
- As one last reminder, choose LLC or LTD... it is a much wiser choice.
Domain Name Instructions:
The following instructions for creating a domain name are supplemental to the main instructions above.
- Do not add .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, etc to the name.
- Write each word separately even if the domain name will have the words joined.
- Do not add hyphens ( - ) to the domain name unless the word is actually hyphenated. Examples:
- Bad:
- Good: my web site
- Bad:
- Good: my web site
- Bad:
- Good: in-depth information about gold
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Replace --a-t-- with @